UDP - definitie. Wat is UDP
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Wat (wie) is UDP - definitie

Udp; UDPs; UDP (disambiguation)

Usenet Death Penalty (Reference: Usenet, spam)
User Datagram Protocol (Reference: Internet, RFC 768)



UDP may refer to:

Uitspraakvoorbeelden voor UDP
1. So by implementing custom protocols over UDP,
Escape Censorship with Lantern _ Adam Fisk _ Talks at Google
2. But basically, it uses UDP to traverse NATs between directly
Escape Censorship with Lantern _ Adam Fisk _ Talks at Google
3. to traverse NATs and firewalls is using UDP.
Escape Censorship with Lantern _ Adam Fisk _ Talks at Google
4. So doing that over UDP has some interesting properties.
Escape Censorship with Lantern _ Adam Fisk _ Talks at Google
5. I didn't have to have another set of identifiers at the TCP or UDP layer."
Reimagining the Internet _ Vint Cerf _ Talks at Google
Voorbeelden uit tekstcorpus voor UDP
1. The UDP has promised to crack down on crime and government corruption.
2. "The electoral process is unfair," said UDP chief Ahmad Shaheen, accusing the establishment of preparing the ground for winning certain candidates so that to have a rubber parliament.
3. The UDP is one of tens of young political groups established over the past three years in the post–conflict nation.
4. KABUL, Sept. 2 (Xinhua) –– The leader of the Understanding and Democracy Party (UDP) of Afghanistan on Thursday termed the process of the legislative elections as unfair and warned to boycott the elections.
5. The head of UDP said that the newly formed coalition is in contact with NUF to form a broader opposition force in order to check government activities through parliament.